The Company Audit Committee was first established on March 7, 2012, in order to assist the Board of Commissioners in promoting the application of GCG principle and the establishment of adequate internal control structure, and also to enhance the quality of openness and financial reporting, as well as to review the scope, accuracy, independency and objectivity of the public accountant.

In performing its internal control duties and responsibilities, the Audit Committee is equipped with work guideline set forth in the Audit Committee Charter ratified by the Board of Commissioners on October 30, 2012 and was amended by the Audit Committee Charter dated May 30, 2020. The Audit Committee Charter was prepared based on the prevailing laws and regulations and is reviewed regularly.

The Audit Committee performs its role objectively in accordance with its professional expertise. In order to maintain its objectivity, the Audit Committee comprised of independent parties without affiliations/relationships that may have adverse impact or conflict of interest with the Shareholders and the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, or with the Company.

Dr. Ir. Bambang Setiawan

He was appointed as Chairman of the Company’s Audit Committee as of January 12, 2022. Currently he serves as the Company’s Independent Commissioner. His Profile can be seen in the Company’s Board of Commissioners’ Profiles.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Irwandy Arif, M.Sc

Indonesian Citizen, 74 years old. He was appointed as member of the Company’ Audit Committee as of February 16, 2023. Currently he serves as Special Staff of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources for the Acceleration of Mineral and Coal Governance, Commissioner of PT Bukit Asam Tbk and Independent Director at Golden Energy and Resources Limited, a company domiciled in Singapore. 

Previously, He served as Independent Commisioner and Audit Committee member of the Company, and other mining companies in Indonesia, including PT Aneka Tambang Tbk., PT Berau Coal Energy Tbk, and PT Multi Harapan Utama. He also actively contributes to the education sector including by serving as Head of
Mining Department of Bandung Institute of Technology (1995-1998), Dean of the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Mineral Technology of Bandung Institute of Technology (2003-2004), and Chairman of Commission II of Board of Trustees of Bandung Institute of Technology (2009-2014). 

He graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology with a Bachelor’s degree in Mining Exploration Engineering in 1976 and then earned his Master of Science degree in Industrial Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology in 1985, followed by his Master’s and Doctoral degrees
from the Ecoles des Mines de Nancy-Institute Polytechnique de Lorraine, France, in 1988 and 1991 respectively.

Mr. Irwandy Arif is not affiliated with members of Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners, as well as substantial shareholders and/or controlling shareholders of the Company.

Ketut Sanjaya 

He was appointed as member of the Company’s Audit Committee as of 6 September 2023. Currently he serves as the Company’s Independent Commissioner. His Profile can be seen in the Company’s Board of Commissioners’ Profiles.